If you are a buyer:

We currently focus on faster & safer payment methods : Electric Funds Transfers (EFT) and Wire Transfers directly from users home bank

You can establish multiple receiving/distribution points as well as temporarily locations to capture new opportunities

Suppliers are responsible for shipping product and can cover delivery within their regular route

We try to ensure honest transactions and great value by requiring , among other things, detailed user registration, rating system, payment controls and full product description with pictures

We focus on surplus and near code date Canadian product drawn from all points along the value chain

No. Payment is released to a Suppliers shortly after successful delivery.

Payments are completed thru your home bank and sent to Resetfoods to hold until successful transaction completion


Product is released for delivery once clear funds have been established

Ample opportunity is provided to users before a commitment is made.

If you are a supplier:

You can establish multiple distribution points as well as temporarily identify a shipping address to capture new opportunities

Suppliers will usually ship product by truck

Yes. Any potential gaming by users will be addressed early and conclusively.

We've constructed the opportunity to create specific buyer pools where Suppliers can manage preferred distribution channels

Users can choose to be identified by function eg Farmer, Manufacturer etc. We also provide you the opportuinty to organized specific pools of buyers that you can focus on


Suppliers are responsible for shipping product and can include delivery within their regular route

Yes. Make appropriate changes next time

Delivery is included in price and often part of a Supplier's route

No. While in many cases post expiry product is very suitable for human consumption, our standards include a minimum